Source code for spooq2.transformer.threshold_cleaner

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql.types as sql_types

from transformer import Transformer

[docs]class ThresholdCleaner(Transformer): """ Sets outiers within a DataFrame to a default value. Takes a dictionary with valid value ranges for each column to be cleaned. Example ------- >>> transformer = ThresholdCleaner( >>> thresholds={ >>> "created_at": { >>> "min": 0, >>> "max": 1580737513, >>> "default": None >>> }, >>> "size_cm": { >>> "min": 70, >>> "max": 250, >>> "default": None >>> }, >>> } >>> ) Parameters ---------- thresholds : :py:class:`dict` Dictionary containing column names and respective valid ranges Returns ------- :any:`pyspark.sql.DataFrame` The transformed DataFrame Raises ------ :any:`exceptions.ValueError` Threshold-based cleaning only supports Numeric Types! Column of name: {col_name} and type of: {col_type} was provided Warning ------- Only numeric data types are supported! """ def __init__(self, thresholds={}): super(ThresholdCleaner, self).__init__() self.thresholds = thresholds self.logger.debug("Range Definitions: " + str(self.thresholds))
[docs] def transform(self, input_df): self.logger.debug("input_df Schema: " + input_df._jdf.schema().treeString()) ordered_column_names = input_df.columns for column_name, value_range in self.thresholds.items(): data_type = input_df.schema[str(column_name)].dataType if not isinstance(data_type, sql_types.NumericType): raise ValueError( "Threshold-based cleaning only supports Numeric Types!\n", "Column of name: {col_name} and type of: {col_type} was provided".format( col_name=column_name, col_type=data_type ), ) self.logger.debug( "Ranges for column " + column_name + ": " + str(value_range) ) input_df = input_df.withColumn( column_name, F.when( input_df[column_name].between( value_range["min"], value_range["max"] ), input_df[column_name], ) .otherwise(F.lit(value_range.get("default", None))) .cast(data_type), ) return