
You can either fork Spooq and create a PR on github or get in contact with the authors to get access to the repo.

Spooq was built with extensibility in mind which results in clearly separated and independent modules and classes.


  • python 3.8
  • Java 8+ (jdk8-openjdk)
  • pipenv
  • Latex (for PDF documentation)

Setting up the Environment

The requirements are stored in the file Pipfile separated for production and development packages.

Run the following command to install the packages needed for development and testing:

$ pipenv install --dev

This will create a virtual environment in ~/.local/share/virtualenvs.

If you want to have your virtual environment installed as a sub-folder (.venv) you have to set the environment variable PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT to 1.

To remove a virtual environment created with pipenv just change in the folder where you created it and execute pipenv --rm.

Activate the Virtual Environment

To activate the virtual environment enter:
$ pipenv shell
To deactivate the virtual environment simply enter:
$ exit
# or close the shell

For more commands of pipenv call pipenv -h or got to their documentation

Creating Your Own Components

Implementing new extractors, transformers, or loaders is fairly straightforward. Please refer to following descriptions and examples to get an idea:

Running Tests

The tests are implemented with the pytest framework.

Start all tests:
$ pipenv shell
$ cd tests
$ pytest

Test Plugins

Those are the most useful plugins automatically used:


Generate an HTML report for the test results:
$ pytest --html=report.html


Shuffles the order of execution for the tests to avoid / discover dependencies of the tests.

Randomization is set by a seed number. To re-test the same order of execution where you found an error, just set the seed value to the same as for the failing test. To temporarily disable this feature run with pytest -p no:random-order -v


Generates an HTML for the test coverage

Get a test coverage report in the terminal:
$ pytest --cov-report term --cov=spooq
Get the test coverage report as HTML
$ pytest --cov-report html:cov_html --cov=spooq


To use ipdb (IPython Debugger) add following code at your breakpoint:

>>> import ipdb
>>> ipdb.set_trace()

You have to start pytest with -s if you want to use interactive debugger.

$ pytest -s

Generate Documentation

This project uses Sphinx for creating its documentation. Graphs and diagrams are produced with PlantUML.

The main documentation content is defined as docstrings within the source code. To view the current documentation open docs/build/html/index.html or docs/build/latex/spooq.pdf in your application of choice.

Although, if you are reading this, you have probably already found the documentation…


For generating the graphs and diagrams, you need a working plantuml installation on your computer! Please refer to sphinxcontrib-plantuml.


$ cd docs
$ make html
$ chromium build/html/index.html


For generating documentation in the PDF format you need to have a working (pdf)latex installation on your computer! Please refer to TexLive on how to install TeX Live - a compatible latex distribution. But beware, the download size is huge!

$ cd docs
$ make latexpdf
$ evince build/latex/Spooq.pdf


Themes, plugins, settings, … are defined in docs/source/


Enables support for parsing docstrings in NumPy / Google Style


Allows linking to other projects’ documentation. E.g., PySpark, Python3 To add an external project, at the documentation link to intersphinx_mapping in


This allows you to write CommonMark (Markdown) inside of Docutils & Sphinx projects instead of rst.


Allows for inline Plant UML code (uml directive) which is automatically rendered into an svg image and placed in the document. Allows also to source puml-files. for an example.

Release a new Version on PyPi

Things to consider

Version Bump

For any update on PyPi we need a new version number. You can manually edit the file spooq/ to change the version number. This is reflected in the and consequently in the release version number.


Please don’t forget to also update the documentation accordingly. This is either done directly in the source code as docstrings or for more overview-centered topics in the rst file under docs/source.


Please add your changes to the CHANGELOG.rst

Automatic Publishing via Github Action

The current Spooq version is automatically published on PyPi after a release on github is created.

Manual Publishing from Command Line

Create the Distribution Files

$ python sdist bdist_wheel

Upload to Test-PyPi

$ pipenv shell
$ twine upload --repository-url dist/

Your new version is available at Beware, that the test PyPi uses different credentials than the real PyPi. You can get the credentials from your favourite collaborator.

Upload to Real PyPi

$ pipenv shell
$ twine upload dist/

Your new version is available at You can get the credentials from your favourite collaborator.